29.11.2015: BH1 Prüfung mit Maska

Prüfungsergebnis: 93 Punkte | vorzüglich

03.10.2015: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :o)

Happy Birthday to all Riverbanks!
How time flies... 4th birthday of our babies. Greets and kisses to all brothers & sisters!

05.05.2015: Chiropraktik-Termin mit Öani

DANKE Elisabeth Weinwurm


26.04.2015: 1. ÖHU Breitensportturnier - WHC Wien

Hundeführer: Nicole Miglik

Name des Hundes: Maska

Verein: Dogs4Life

HL: 61,12 / SL: 81,96 / HU: 74,27 / UO: 56,00 = GESAMT: 273,35

Rang: 6. Platz


Ergebnisliste: http://hundeschulemistelbach.at/Ergebnisse/Breitensport_WHC.pdf

19.04.2015: Die Badesaison ist eröffnet :-)

March 2015: 50 years Working Kelpie Council !

The Working Kelpie Council was formed in 1965, although the need for such an organisation had been discussed continuously during the previous decade. With the natural loss of the men who have successfully brought the breed through to modern times, it was felt that unless something was done the reputation of the pure-bred Working Kelpie would be affected and the existing background pedigrees tracing to the foundation would be lost. The Working Kelpie Council was formed to counteract the buyer resistance to the registered show (pure-bred) Kelpie and to ensure the future of the breed as a working sheepdog for all time.

Formed along the lines of other breed associations, the Council operates as a service to the man on the land as well as the Breed. From the very beginning emphasis and encouragement was given to the need to register and record breeding activities and individuals were encouraged to think in terms of developing small studs rather than just to breed for their own needs.

As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, Founding Members attended a Special Dinner and Award Presentation that was held after the annual AGM. 28 March 2015.

21.03.2015: Wiese frei - erstes Hütetraining 2015

20.03.2015: Spatenstich Projekt Hundeauslauf :-)

300 m² gesicherter Hundezubau direkt zum Haus: